Moshe Storch ft. DRS Senior Choir ~ G2BAY Geshmak To Be A Yid

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Shared on March 9, 2020
Moshe Storch ft. DRS Senior Choir ~ “Geshmak To Be A Yid”
Available now on all major online streaming stores:
Geshmak 2bAyid is a compilation of the classic Chabad niggun “Yifrach” and some amazing yet simple Geshmak lyrics by DRS graduate Yoss Kaminetzky.
This version (or similar ones) has been a highlight song at yeshiva/community shabbatons, throughout the world especially with DRS, the “Traveling Chassidim” and Mesivta of Waterbury as well as many more...
Reb Moshe Siegel of Emek Hebrew Academy in Valley Village CA inspired the recording of this song so it can play in schools across the globe.
Produced by Doni Gross
Someone once came over to me and asked me what’s it like to be a Yid
This is what I told him, This is what I told him, this is what I will tell him…🎶🎶
It’s Geshmak to be a Yid
Geshmak to be a Yid
Geshmak to be a Yid
Geshmak- fantastic/marvelous/fabulous/exciting/Fun etc
Yid- Jew
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