Moshe Storch ~ השם הוא פה ~ HaShem Is Here (Uncle Moishy rendition)

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Shared on August 19, 2018
On Shabbos morning parshas Shoftim 5778 as Moshe Storch did his usual 4 mile walk from his Chazan position at LA’s Westside shul, he remembered what he learned in Tanya early that morning with Rabbi Daniel Grama (Rav of Westside Shul).
To go from a Beinoni to a Tzadik means you’re constantly having your Yetzer Tov take rulership of your every thought and act under its reign.
This inspired him to try to tap into that “Yetzer Tov Rulership” and what better way than to go back to that early childhood simple statement of HaShem is here, there, everywhere etc.
B’ezrat HaShem lets take this sweet, simple statement of Emuna Pshuta and infuse it into our adult lives so that we can always feel HaShems presence and graduate to the level of the tzaddikim with Moshiach Tzidkeinu Amen!
4 miles later the Hebrew words were glued in his head and that Motzei Shabbos he went ahead and performed it for the first time in Hebrew.
In Hancock Park Los Angeles with:
Netanel Ben David on percussion & backup vocals
Jonathan Asperil lead guitar
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