Six13 featuring Chazan Chaim Dovid Berson – Mi Shebeirach | מי שברך (a prayer for the IDF soldiers)

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Shared on April 18, 2018
Today, on Yom Hazikaron, we honor and remember Israel's fallen soldiers and victims of terror. Israel is a small nation with a huge impact on the world and on our lives. Before we celebrate its independence, we pause for a moment to reflect on those whom we've lost.
"Mi Sheberach" is a prayer for the soldiers of Israel's Defense Forces that is sung to the tune of "El Eretz Tzvi" by Yehoram Gaon.
We at Six13 had the honor and privilege of singing this song with 2 great cantors, Chaim Dovid Berson of the Jewish Center and Dan Singer of Stephen Wise Free Synagogue. We hope it helps bring some extra meaning to an emotionally charged day.
May we realize the prophetic promise and see the day when nation will no longer fight against nation and will prepare for war no more.
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This song and all Six13 songs are completely a cappella -- created with nothing but the human voice.
Anchored by a strong Jewish identity and driven by a mission to connect Jews around the globe with their heritage through music, professional Jewish a cappella group Six13 are the originators of today's Jewish a cappella sound. They've performed to rave reviews for millions of people -- at synagogues, religious schools, major sports events, JCCs, fundraising events, B'nai Mitzvah and private affairs alike, received numerous awards for their five best-selling CDs, and been selected as finalists for casting in NBC's "The Sing-Off". To find out more about how to bring Six13 to your community for an event that's truly unforgettable, visit
Michael Boxer
(866) 266-5613
[email protected]
Lyrics by Talma Alyagon Raz
Music by Dubi Zeltzer
Originally performed by Yehoram Gaon
Lead vocals performed by Chaim Dovid Berson
Voiceover performed by Dan Singer
Arranged by Mordy Weinstein and Craig Resmovits
Recorded by Mordy Weinstein, Jacob Spadaro, Craig Resmovits, and Mike Boxer
Edited by Jeff Eames for Eames Audio
Mixed and mastered by Ed Boyer
Produced by Mordy Weinstein for Six13
Video filmed by Shuie Septimus for Septimus Visuals
Filmed at The Jewish Center
Edited by Dov Adler
Special thanks to: our own loving families, all the incredible audio and video production staff mentioned above, and the fantastic staff at the Jewish Center.
Six13 is:
Mike Boxer | Eric Dinowitz | Phil Kaplan
Spike Kraus | Robert Operman | Craig Resmovits
Josh Sauer | Jacob Spadaro | Mordy Weinstein
מי שברך אבותינו אברהם יצחק ויעקב הוא יברך את חיילי צבא הגנה לישראל העומדים על משמר ארצינו וערי אלוקינו מגבול הלבנון ועד מדבר מצרים ומן הים הגדול על לבוא הערבה ביבשה באויר ובים. ונאמר אמן.
Mi sheberach avoteinu, Avraham, Yitzchak, ve'Yaakov hu yevarech et chayalei tzva haganah l'yisrael ha'omdim al mishmar artzeinu v'arei elokeinu migvul halevanon ve'ad midbar mitzrayim umin hayam hagadol at levo ha'aravah bayabasha ba'avir uvayam. Venomar Amen.
May He who blessed our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob bless the members of Israel's defense forces who stand guard over our land and the cities of our G-d from the Lebanese border to the Egyptian desert and from the Mediterranean Sea to the approach of the Aravah, on land, in air, and at sea. And let us say: Amen.
(Translation follows the Koren Siddur English translation).
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