Cantor Yaakov Stark – Hashem Moloch | חזן יעקב יוסף שטארק – ה מלך גאות
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Shared on October 18, 2021
Hashem Moloch - ה מלך גאות לבש
Cantor Yaakov Stark - חזן יעקב יוסף שטארק
Hampton Synagogue Choir, Maestro Izchak Haimov, Conductor
Accompanyist: Daniel Gildar,
The Hampton Synagogue - Rabbi Marc Schneier Jewish Community Center
The Cantorial Concert of a Generation.
The Hampton Synagogue 24th Annual Thanksgiving Concert.
November 24, 2018
Tribute to the legendary benefactor of Cantoral Music Mr. Haim Wiener.
Cantor Yaakov Stark - חזן יעקב יוסף שטארק
Hampton Synagogue Choir, Maestro Izchak Haimov, Conductor
Accompanyist: Daniel Gildar,
The Hampton Synagogue - Rabbi Marc Schneier Jewish Community Center
The Cantorial Concert of a Generation.
The Hampton Synagogue 24th Annual Thanksgiving Concert.
November 24, 2018
Tribute to the legendary benefactor of Cantoral Music Mr. Haim Wiener.
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