Track 2: Tzipisa – ציפיתה | Collecting Sparks | Chaim Ghoori | TYH Nation

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Shared on October 10, 2023
Leilui Nishmas David Ben Shalom
Instead of just waiting for the great coming of Moshiach, through our actions we can actually bring Moshiach into our present lives.
Moshiach means having a clear vision to Hashem, and serving Him as though nothing is in the way. When I look forward to the geulah I can actually draw back towards me a piece of moshiach and incorporate that into my day to day life. With this outlook every act of chessed, kind word said to another, or even simply thanking Hashem brings moshiach into our lives. When we hold back from looking at something we shouldn’t, or saying a juicy piece of Lashon Hara, our path to Moshiach is cleared and we are already living with the clarity and already living with Moshiach.
לעילוי נשמת דוד בן שלום ע״ה
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