Ari Lesser – Purim 2020 – L'chaim!

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Shared on March 9, 2020
By Ari Lesser
Well I don’t remember but I have been told
First time a got drunk I was eight days old
Son of Abraham, I didn’t waste no time
Sipping wine at my bris just to ease my mind
Sobered up after that, spent twelve years clean
But I fell off the wagon when I turned thirteen
Couldn’t see rated R movies, or drive a car
But my bar mitzvah, had an open bar
They say that day I became a man
And I had to obey all of G-d’s commands
Now it’s true there’s things we don’t do as Jews
But HASHEM doesn’t mind if we use some booze
Drink responsibly, got to stay alive
Don’t drink too much, don’t drink and drive
For some folks alcohol can be deadly
But if you drink to life you can drink with me
L’chaim! A toast to host and the guests!
L’chaim v’lvracha! May you all be blessed!
L’chaim tovim ul’shalom! For peace!
L’chaim! May good things only just increase!
L’chaim! With happiness healing and health!
L’chaim! With wisdom awareness and wealth!
L’chaim! To family the kids and the wife!
L’chaim! My friends, say L’chaim to life!
Well Shabbat is a great excuse to let loose
No need to make Kiddush on fruity grape juice
Pop open your finest Pinot, or Merlot
And keep pouring more til that cup overflows
We celebrate Pesach in the springtime
No grain alcohol, but wine is just fine
They call it Passover, cause everyone passes
Out over dinner, from chugging four glasses
And all seven days of Sukkot I’m tipsy
Hanging outside in my hut like a gypsy
Ain’t got a roof but I can’t complain
If it showers I just get sloshed in rain
On Shemini Atzeres, the drinking gets careless
Heads start spinning, losing self-awareness
We all dance the hora while a guy in a fedora
Pours a lot of shots for some more Simchas Torah
And wherever you are fourteenth of Adar
Every shul far and wide has an open bar
Cause on Purim we drink til we don’t know why
Haman’s curse is any different than blessed is Mordechai
L’chaim! A toast to host and the guests!
L’chaim v’lvracha! May you all be blessed!
L’chaim tovim ul’shalom! For peace!
L’chaim! May good things only just increase!
L’chaim! With happiness healing and health!
L’chaim! With wisdom awareness and wealth!
L’chaim! To family the kids and the wife!
L’chaim! My friends, say L’chaim to life!
By my Chuppah the Rabbi passed me a cup
Overflowing with wine, and he said bottom up
On an empty stomach that broke my fast
First drink of the day but it wasn’t my last
Every happy occasion or celebration
Is cause for a little intoxication
Cause the Talmud says since temple times,
We won’t find any joy if we don’t drink wine
And it also brings some relief from the grief
When my loved ones die life seems to brief
But I still do them right, light a candle, recite
Kaddish, and say l’chaim on the yearly Yartzeit
No wealth in the grave so I buy that top shelf
I’m a drink for the dead, til I’m dead myself
So if I don’t out live ya, when my soul is delivered
To G-d, give a toast and get drunk at my shiva
L’chaim! A toast to host and the guests!
L’chaim v’lvracha! May you all be blessed!
L’chaim tovim ul’shalom! For peace!
L’chaim! May good things only just increase!
L’chaim! With happiness healing and health!
L’chaim! With wisdom awareness and wealth!
L’chaim! To family the kids and the wife!
L’chaim! My friends, say L’chaim to life!
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