Motty Ilowitz Ivyudoi Hagdoilu. מאטי אילאוויטש ובידו הגדולה

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Shared on December 25, 2019
רעות שבעה נפשי, ביגון כחי כלה
חי מררו בקשי, בשעבוד מלכות עגלה
ובידו הגדולה, הוציא את הסגלה.
האסט צוגעהערט מיין תפילה – ווען ביגון כחי כלה
ובידו הגדולה, הוציא את הסגלה.
(My soul had been sated with troubles,
my strength has been consumed with grief.
They had embittered my life with hardship,
with the calf-like kingdom's bondage.
But with His great power
He brought forth the treasured ones.
You listened to my prayers, when my strength has been consumed with grief.)
A Gershy Schwarcz Production
Composed, written, and sung by Motty Ilowitz
Featuring Child soloist:David Leiffer
Music arrangements: David Taub
Drums: Avi Avidani
Bass: Arie Valinez
Piano: Achiya Cohen
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Trumpet: Rafi Davidov
Saxophone & Flute: Nitzan Ein Habar
Strings: K. Tenenbaum, Y. Klein, G. Chai, H. Epstein.
Backup Vocals: Gershy Schwarcz & David Taub
Mix: Gershy Schwarcz Edgware Studios
Mastering: Ronen Hilel- Fatstudio
Vocals recorded at: Edgware Studios @gershyschwarcz.
Shloime Wechter (child soloist).
Music recorded by @taubd, at @tenorstudio5 & EOM Studios, Israel.
Video filmed and edited by Ari Levy, @Studioondot
Cover art Graphics: Avi Lavi
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