V’hueir Eineinu – Cantor Yakov Yosef Stark – Lev Choir | והאר עינינו – יעקב יוסף שטארק – מקהלת לב

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Shared on June 8, 2024
V’hueir Eineinu is a Cantorial piece composed by Sholom Katz, Sholom was originally from Hungary, he served as the Chief Cantor of Bucharest after the holocaust, then continued to New York, where he served as cantor in the Romanian Synagogue in NYC.
Renowned Cantor Yakov Yosef Stark has a special place in his heart for Sholom’s compositions, and after performing this very song at a recent wedding with Lev Choir, everyone in attendance agreed that this is something the world needs to hear.
To read more about the life of Sholom Katz, Visit https://www.jta.org/archive/cantor-sh...
Cantor Yakov Yosef Stark | Lev Choir
Choir conducted & arranged by Aba Berkowitz
Piano: Shai Bachar
Vocals recorded at Shevach Studios
Mixed by Chaim Moses
Video by TwoTone Media
Cover Design: Yanky Heller
Project Management/Marketing: SolBlum Media
Special Thanks to Gershy Schwarcz, Yossi Glick, Ari Levy & Moshe Greenfeld
Connect with Cantor Yaakov Stark
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Website: https://www.yaakovstark.com/
YouTube: @CantorYaakovStark
#YaakovStark #LevChoir #VhueirEineinu
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