Blue Melody ft. Shmueli Ungar – Ahavas Yisroel

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Shared on September 5, 2015
"Feeling Blue" has a totally new meaning with Shmueli Ungar. Experience MBD's classic "Ahavas Yisroel" performed like only Blue Melody can. As Rosh Hashanah approaches, the idea and ideal of achdus plays a prominent role. When children are being judged by their father, the fact that they are united, that they live in peace and harmony with one another, is certainly something that will help us be judged favorably on the Yom HaDin.
"Ahavas Yisroel" - MBD
Performed by Blue Melody and Shmueli Ungar
Production: Chaim Rosenblatt & Eli Lax
Arrangement: Eli Lax
Mixed and Mastered by Aryeh Kunstler (Roar Recording)
Filmed and Edited by Jake Sojcher
Blue Melody
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