8th Day – Elika D'Meir (Official Music Video) יום השמיני – אלקא דמאיר

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Shared on April 6, 2020
iTunes - https://music.apple.com/us/album/elika-dmeir-single/1506091461
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/2UKxDujv1jxuvPiNS2rWhL?si=i4To068OS961R2hM-8ZBAg
Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086QS7HSL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_OIOIEbHCRRSYS
Mostly Music - https://mostlymusic.com/collections/featured-music/products/8th-day-elika-dmeir-single
In the darkest times on a pitch black night
He rode a horse of the purest white
He knocked on the door got a prisoner free
In his hands a bag of money
What shall I do when the money runs dry
Here’s a prayer that could pierce the sky
What shall I do when the gold runs dry
Here’s a prayer that could pierce the sky
Elika D’Meir aneini - אלקא דמאיר ענני
When wild dogs they surrounded me
These three words they set me free
When you got no strength and you’re crying please
Lost in the forest can’t find the trees
Here’s what you do when the money runs dry
Here’s a prayer that could pierce the sky
Here’s what you do when the gold runs dry
Here’s a prayer that could pierce the sky
Rebi Meir Baal Haness - רבי מאיר בעל הנס
So here’s what you do when the money runs dry
There’s a prayer that could pierce the sky
Here’s what you do when the gold runs dry
Sing this song give it a try
Speak it sing it shout it thrice
These three words could pierce the sky
Speak it sing it shout it thrice
These three words could pierce the sky!
Rebi Meir...
© 2020 8th Day Band
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