Betzalel – Areshes | בצלאל ארשת שפתינו

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Shared on September 22, 2024
‎אֲרֶשֶׁת שְׂפָתֵינוּ
May even the words we whisper quietly
‎ יֶעֱרַב לְפָנֶיךָ
Be sweet before You
‎אֵל רָם וְנִשָּׂא
Almighty God , Uplifted, and Exalted above all else
‎מֵבִין וּמַאֲזִין
You Hashem, Understand and listen
‎מַבִּיט וּמַקְשִׁיב
You look closely and are most attentive
‎לְקוֹל תְּקִיעָתֵנוּ
To the sound of our Shofar calling out to You
‎וּתְקַבֵּל בְּרַחֲמִים וּבְרָצוֹן
Please accept with mercy and great desire
‎סֵדֶר מַלְכֻיּוֹתֵינוּ
These Pesukim/Tefilos with which we make You King over ourselves and all existence
Arranged, mixed, and mastered by: Ian Freitor @PlayMasters Studio
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