(Repost) Brother Levi Yitzchok Cohen

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Shared on March 4, 2024
I've lost a freind or two, and no doubt you have too. It's painful it's sad, but what can you do?
Don't let his/her soul be forgotten, make this world a better place than you found it, so that his/her name not go in vain. Do good in their name. In memory of (לע"נ) Moshe Yitzhok Zev Ben יבלח"ט Dovid Yehuda Leib.
Dear Zevi z"l
You made the world a better place then you found it, this is for you.
Levi & Avi
Sung: Levi Yitzchok Cohen & Avi Kraus
Produced: Yossi Shick Label
Composition: Levi Yitzchok Cohen
Lyrics: Levi Yitzchok Cohen & Avi Kraus
Arrangment: STMTZ Records
Mixed: Udi Damari
Cover Art: ArrangeIt.Media
Recorded by: EQ Studios, The Boys Clubhouse Studio London
Many Thanks: Nechemia Vogel, Ari Leaman, Benji Elkouby, Ace Breuer, Yossi Marks, Joel Gilbert
I don't know why
Barely how
I need to do
Something now
This time it's real
For one another
You never know who
It's time to feel
Rest in peace
Brother of mine
Until next time
I do something kind
It will be for you
It will be for you
See, we can change
Another's life
And make a reality more bright
In memory of you
I'll do something true
Sometimes I say
Sometimes I don't
This time I hope
& this time I'll show
That I'm here for you
And now I open up
And I won't ever stop
Will find the answer
Will find a place
I'll see it through
Rest in peace
Brother of mine
Until next time
I do something kind
It will be for you
It will be for you
See, we can change
Another's life
And make a reality so bright
In memory of you
I'll do something true
It's up to me & you
To make this world anew
Father would you please
Help us make a change
As the lights shine
We'll see redemption
As our nation
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