Yissachar Dror | Memories | Acapella | Official Video
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Shared on July 26, 2020
Song Dedication:
The Beit HaMikdash (Tample), Mishkan (Tabernacle), Arron Hakodesh (Ark) and the Mizbeach (Altar) Displayed in the video were hand Crafted and built by my Holy Father Blessed Memory.
Music Credits:
Produced by: Yitzy Waldner.
To Yitzy, I knew your touch brings simcha to a song, now I know your touch also brings comfort.
Memories Originally Sung,
Composed & lyrics by: Abie Rotenberg
Mixed & Mastered by: Ian Freitor @PlayMaster studio.
Backing Vocals: Yissachar Dror
Father don't cry originally sung & composed by Avraham Fried
Backing Vocals, Mixed and Mastered by Ari Goldwag
Vocals Recorded @ STUDIO6 Lakewood N.J.
Pr Marketing: Sruly Meyer
Graphics Design By Dafna Nojowitz - Acadia Design
Video Production:
Directed & Produced by: Aharon Orian
To Ahron, no words can express my debt of gratitude to you. You took this project so personal and worked tirelessly to create this breathtaking video. I’m eagerly anticipating working with you on my next music video B'Ezrat Hashem.
Post Production by: Olam Media JLM
Associate Producer: Daniel Finkelman
Cinematographer: Marco Vitale
Special Thanks:
Rabbi David Ashear
R’ Sruli Besser
R’ Ari Stern
David Hillel
Yaakov Shwekey
Chezi Rosenboum
R’ Simcha Shain
Rafi Greidi
Sharon & Izeek Daniel
Zemiros choir
Nakash Family
Chase Kaplan
Community Magazine
Yeshiva World News
To My Family, Fans and Friends, each one of you are extraordinarily special. It will be too difficult to express my appreciation in one line… Thank You for being there through every step. May we only Share in each other's Simachot and see the coming of Mashiach NOW! Amen.
Public Relation:
At the peak of the Rosh Hashanah tefillot, we draw on our collective memories….recollections of our holy forefathers, of their love and devotion.
But it's not mere nostalgia.
Remember, Ribbono Shel Olam, we plead, and let the chasadim of generations past stand by us. The impression they made, the imprint they left, is eternal.
When Rav Yitzchak Dror ZT"L lived, he created an aura of holiness. The kedushah of the Torah, song of his life, the words and pages that filled his days and nights, the potency of his tefilla, the essence of humility, and the impact of the purity that radiated from his saintly face.
It was the joy he exuded as he did mitzvot, his tangible excitement as he selected daled minim, built the Sukkah or gave tzedakah. It was the cloud of selflessness and generosity, his willingness to give of himself- time, energy and resources- for another. It was the longing- the desperate yearning for the beit hamikdash that consumed him, always.
And now this tzaddik is gone, the man of faith and sanctity taken so quickly, one among the fallen multitudes, and all that’s left are the memories.
Images, echoes, written notes of Torah…each of them creating a trail connecting us to his life’s work, each of them standing as a pillar of remembrance, each one generating zechuyot.
Remember this Jew, Hashem, and shower us with Your mercy in his merit.
In his final days, the tzaddik, Reb Yitzchak, was alone, imprisoned between hospital walls with no family or friends or even medical attendants.
Just malachim.
This song, too, speaks of those last days- Who will stand before the world knowing what to say….Who can know? Who will ever know? Who even saw?
Only One.
I know that G-d in Heaven won’t forget.
He remembers all. Before Him, there is no forgetfulness. The tzaddik, Reb Yitzchak, singing by his gemara, lives on, learning Torah now as before.
Remember the akedat Yitzchak, those days when he was bound to his bed, unable to cry for help, his final breaths whispering words of Tehillim…. snatched phrases of prayer floating above, to the Heaven, where it would become a precious song.
Those notes, the hope and yearning and always, the faith, the perfect faith, live on here, in his tribute by Yissaschar Dror, the tzaddik’s son.
Remember. And have mercy, dear G-d.
#YissacharDror #Memories #Acapella #Abie
The Beit HaMikdash (Tample), Mishkan (Tabernacle), Arron Hakodesh (Ark) and the Mizbeach (Altar) Displayed in the video were hand Crafted and built by my Holy Father Blessed Memory.
Music Credits:
Produced by: Yitzy Waldner.
To Yitzy, I knew your touch brings simcha to a song, now I know your touch also brings comfort.
Memories Originally Sung,
Composed & lyrics by: Abie Rotenberg
Mixed & Mastered by: Ian Freitor @PlayMaster studio.
Backing Vocals: Yissachar Dror
Father don't cry originally sung & composed by Avraham Fried
Backing Vocals, Mixed and Mastered by Ari Goldwag
Vocals Recorded @ STUDIO6 Lakewood N.J.
Pr Marketing: Sruly Meyer
Graphics Design By Dafna Nojowitz - Acadia Design
Video Production:
Directed & Produced by: Aharon Orian
To Ahron, no words can express my debt of gratitude to you. You took this project so personal and worked tirelessly to create this breathtaking video. I’m eagerly anticipating working with you on my next music video B'Ezrat Hashem.
Post Production by: Olam Media JLM
Associate Producer: Daniel Finkelman
Cinematographer: Marco Vitale
Special Thanks:
Rabbi David Ashear
R’ Sruli Besser
R’ Ari Stern
David Hillel
Yaakov Shwekey
Chezi Rosenboum
R’ Simcha Shain
Rafi Greidi
Sharon & Izeek Daniel
Zemiros choir
Nakash Family
Chase Kaplan
Community Magazine
Yeshiva World News
To My Family, Fans and Friends, each one of you are extraordinarily special. It will be too difficult to express my appreciation in one line… Thank You for being there through every step. May we only Share in each other's Simachot and see the coming of Mashiach NOW! Amen.
Public Relation:
At the peak of the Rosh Hashanah tefillot, we draw on our collective memories….recollections of our holy forefathers, of their love and devotion.
But it's not mere nostalgia.
Remember, Ribbono Shel Olam, we plead, and let the chasadim of generations past stand by us. The impression they made, the imprint they left, is eternal.
When Rav Yitzchak Dror ZT"L lived, he created an aura of holiness. The kedushah of the Torah, song of his life, the words and pages that filled his days and nights, the potency of his tefilla, the essence of humility, and the impact of the purity that radiated from his saintly face.
It was the joy he exuded as he did mitzvot, his tangible excitement as he selected daled minim, built the Sukkah or gave tzedakah. It was the cloud of selflessness and generosity, his willingness to give of himself- time, energy and resources- for another. It was the longing- the desperate yearning for the beit hamikdash that consumed him, always.
And now this tzaddik is gone, the man of faith and sanctity taken so quickly, one among the fallen multitudes, and all that’s left are the memories.
Images, echoes, written notes of Torah…each of them creating a trail connecting us to his life’s work, each of them standing as a pillar of remembrance, each one generating zechuyot.
Remember this Jew, Hashem, and shower us with Your mercy in his merit.
In his final days, the tzaddik, Reb Yitzchak, was alone, imprisoned between hospital walls with no family or friends or even medical attendants.
Just malachim.
This song, too, speaks of those last days- Who will stand before the world knowing what to say….Who can know? Who will ever know? Who even saw?
Only One.
I know that G-d in Heaven won’t forget.
He remembers all. Before Him, there is no forgetfulness. The tzaddik, Reb Yitzchak, singing by his gemara, lives on, learning Torah now as before.
Remember the akedat Yitzchak, those days when he was bound to his bed, unable to cry for help, his final breaths whispering words of Tehillim…. snatched phrases of prayer floating above, to the Heaven, where it would become a precious song.
Those notes, the hope and yearning and always, the faith, the perfect faith, live on here, in his tribute by Yissaschar Dror, the tzaddik’s son.
Remember. And have mercy, dear G-d.
#YissacharDror #Memories #Acapella #Abie
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