Pumpidisa In Keristeer – Beri Weber, Zusha, Meilech Kohn, Mezamrim, Yoeli Lebovits

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Shared on May 3, 2017
Every year thousands travel to Reb Shaya'le Keristir in Hungry, on his Yartzeit (Day of Passing) to pray for the Shefa. Over here is seen Pumpidisa singing with Mezamrim, Beri Weber, Meilech Kohn, Yoeli Lebovits, Chief singer of Zusha. This Seuda is what followed hours of Davening and praying on behalf of loved one's and all of Klal Yisroel.
Video shot on a Mobile phone by the Beri Weber Photography Crew.
To hire Pumpidisa for your next event call 347.639.3774
We provide music at Weddings, Sheva Brachos, Bar Mitzvas, Fundraisers, Kumzitzes and any upper class event that needs a sprinkle of energy and soul.
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