Pumpidisa – Lakewood Yeshiva Boys

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Shared on March 29, 2017
Tapping in to the local energy of Lakewood.
As the "Winter Zman" comes to a close, Pumpidisa Chevre was called in to lead a Kumzitz to celebrate and reflect on the great accomplishments of the prior months. The passion builds and leads into a sporadic circular dance to the words:
ישראל ואורייתא וקודשא בריך הוא חד הוא. תורה אורה הללוי-ה
Yisrael, Torah and the Holy One Blessed be He are one.
The Torah is Light - Haleluyah!​
To hire Pumpidisa for your next event call 347.639.3774
We provide music at Weddings, Sheva Brachos, Bar Mitzvas, Fundraisers, Kumzitzes and any upper class event that needs a sprinkle of energy and soul.
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