Pumpidisa – Jews Singing in Kenya with the Maasai Tribe – רבון העולמים ‏ידעתי

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Shared on July 31, 2016
On the travels, we visited the local Maasai Tribe in their village and natural way of life. We shared song and dance with one another. A Great Kiddush Hashem it was where as we were requested to explain and share about Judaism. Thank G-d some instruments were in the jeeps. This was the result.
Translation of words:
Master of the Universe, I know
That I am in Your hands alone
Like clay in the hands of the craftsman
And even if I exert effort with plans and machinations
And all inhabitants of Earth stand at my side to help me and support me
Without Your strength and assistance
There is no help or salvation
To hire Pumpidisa for your next event call 347.639.3774
We provide music at Weddings, Sheva Brachos, Bar Mitzvas, Fundraisers, Kumzitzes and any upper class event that needs a sprinkle of energy and soul.
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