Energetic Dance 2 – R’ Shloime Taussig, Yedidim Choir, A. Berko Production – הרב שלמה טויסיג- ידידים

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Shared on April 11, 2020
A magnificent and energetic dance clip of the latest hits at a wedding in Eminence Hall in Brooklyn with R’ Shloime Taussig, Yedidim choir and the amazing A Berko productions
Music arranged and conducted by: ABerko productions
Vocals: R' Shloime Taussig
Choir: The Yedidim Choir
Choir led by by: Shamshi Fried
Live sound and post mix by ABerko
Filmed & Edited by: Motty Engel
PR: Tomer Cohen Branding Media and Public Relation
Thank you to Yoily Hershkowitz and his team from Eminence Hall for always being of help
Eminance Hall
Instegram: eminenceny
[email protected]
R’ Shloime Taussig
Instagram: reb_shloime_taussig
The Yedidim Choir
Twiter/instagram: @YedidimChoir
A Berko production
(347) 645-6631
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