Energetic Dance – R’ Shloime Taussig, Yedidim Choir, A. Berko Production – הרב שלמה טויסיג- ידידים

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Shared on December 20, 2018
An uplifting and energetic dance clip of the latest hits, with R’ Shloime Taussig, Yedidim choir and the amazing A Berko productions
Music arranged by: Avrumi Berko productions
Keys: Avrumi Berko
Sax: Nathan sampolinski
Trumpet: Mark Opaz
Trombone: Danny Flam
Guitar: Motty Feldman
Vocals: R' Shloime Taussig
Choir: The Yedidim Choir
Arranged by Yoel Hersh Fuchs
Duvid Fedder
Menasha Lichtenstien
Leiby Wieder
Mendy Orenstien
Live sound and mix by ABerko
Filmed by: Motty Engle
Edited at Studio62 - Leiby Wieder
PR: Tomer Cohen Branding Media And Public Relations
R’ Shloime Taussig
The Yedidim Choir
Twiter/instagram: @YedidimChoir
A Berko production
(347) 645-6631
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