Motty Miller, Yisroel Werdyger, Yossi Weiss & Yedidim Choir 'Meiruchoik'

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Shared on April 12, 2017
At a recent wedding, Singer Yisroel Werdyger, MK Child Soloist Yossi Weiss & Yedidim Choir together with great music by the Motty Miller Ensemble, performed this beautiful 6/8 song 'Meiruchoik' which was composed by world renowned composer R' Meshilem Greenberger from Israel.
Song was originally recorded on the album MM1 by Menachem Moskowitz with was arranged by Tzvi Blumenfeld.
Sit back, listen & Enjoy!
Video & editing by: Motty Engel
Post production and mix by: Moshy Kraus @ MK Studios
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