Chaim Shlomo Mayesz Music Videos


Chaim Shlomo Mayesz

21 Videos

חיים שלמה מאיעס Mayesz is doing what he knows best, and that is getting you out of your chair with his music Chaim Shlomo Mayesz born 1977 in Brooklyn New York, now a father of seven living in Israel. Mayesz started making music at the age of 19, by arranging a choir, leading it to great success among the Chassidic communities around the world. After the choir days he decided to take his understating of music and production to launch his solo career. So he debut his first album “rapper in Yiddish” Its rare today for an artist with a Chasidic background to become a cultural icon in the religious realm. It’s even rarer for one to go viral on Facebook and Twitter. For those already familiar with Mayesz viral hits with his contemporary twist on old Israeli and American songs in a Hasidic Yiddish environment. Instead of singing about money, lost loves or other profane topics, the kosher reincarnations of Mayesz fresh touch to pop hits are filled with words of spiritual encouragement.

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