Shlomo Carlebach Music Videos

Shlomo Carlebach
508 Videos
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach. The father of Jewish soul music. The visionary of a movement. A Shepard. A Friend. He touched countless souls in innumerable ways. This channel is dedicated to continuing that legacy by spreading his rich musical treasury to the broadest possible audience.
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Latest Videos From Shlomo Carlebach

SHARED BYAri Ettinger
V’Hasheiv [Return Again] (R’ Shlomo Carlebach) – Fingerstyle Cover by Ari Ettinger

SHARED BYShlomo Carlebach
Teka Beshofar Gadol – Clean Sound – Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach – תקע בשופר גדול – נקי – רבי שלמה קרליבך

SHARED BYShlomo Carlebach
Ki Le’Yshuatcha Kiviti – Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach – כי לישועתך קיוויתי השם – רבי שלמה קרליבך

SHARED BYMoshe Groner
Uvechol Zos (Carlebach) – Avrumi Straus & Moshe Groner | ובכל זאת (קרליבך) – אברמי שטרויס ומשה גרונר

SHARED BYLevi Yitzchok Cohen
Elul Medley: Levi Yitzchok Cohen & Mendy Hershkowitz Band | מחרוזת אלול: לוי יצחק כהן ומנדי הרשקוביץ

SHARED BYLevi Yitzchok Cohen
Levi Yitzchok Cohen – Yerushalayim LIVE at Chuppa with Yisroel Applebaum

SHARED BYAvrumy Straus
קבלת שבת נוסח קרליבך – אברמי שטרויס וחברים | Carlebach Kabalas Shabbos – Avrumy Straus & Friends

SHARED BYLevi Yitzchok Cohen
Its Shabbos (A Shabbos Meditation) Lyric Video Levi Yitzchok Cohen ft Nachmen Dryer

SHARED BYShlomo Carlebach