אין דבר רע The story

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Shared on May 2, 2022
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After his first Shabbos ends with an unspeakable tragedy, Shimon Ilan’s resilience & faith paves way for an unexpected friendship and inspires Yaakov Shwekey’s latest hit song Ein Davar Ra.
May this story bring comfort to all those remembering lost loved ones on Yom Hazikaron and may this month bring healing to all the pain in Am Yisroel. אני יי רופאיך
Sponsored by Yehoshua & Tami Katz
In memory of Leora Tova Bas Rachamim a”h
Filmed by Mendel Katz and Yirmi Vann
Studio Filmed by Ahrale Zand
Edited and Produced by Moshe Bree
וזה כלל גדול בעולם
שנחשוב ונאמין באמונה שלמה
שאין דבר רע יורד מן השמים
הכל לטובה
"Ein Davar Ra"
Yaakov Shwekey feat. Shimon Levi
Lyrics: The Pele Yoetz
Composed: Israel Gutfarb, Shimon Levi
Arranged: Tamir Zur
Video Directed: Hai Afik
Produced by Daniel Pro
For more stories by Yoel Gold
please visit https://hashkifa.com
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