איציק אורלב מאחל שנה טובה עם ביצוע מיוחד לשיר – שמעה תפילתי Itzik Orlev – wishing you Shana Tova
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Shared on September 17, 2020
כניסה לחופה, בר מצוה וברית, ניהול אישי: רועי אורלב הפקות
+972525383884 | [email protected]
הופעות ויחסי ציבור: lachyanis, יוסי לחיאני: 054-2455565 | [email protected]
עקבו אחרי איציק אורלב | Follow Itzik orlev:
אינסטגרם: https://instagram.com/itzik_orlev?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
פייסבוק: https://www.facebook.com/ItzikOrlev
הזמר איציק אורלב בברכה לכבוד השנה החדשה עם ביצוע מיוחד לשיר שלו "שמעה תפילתי" עם הקלידן יעקב אזולאי
My dear friends, we are two days before Rosh Hashana, the day of judgment. We are ending year 5780, and it was not an easy year both for us as a whole, and us as an individual.
But we have to remember something very important. There is a creator of this world, and He does everything for the good, and asks of us just one thing. Love your friend as you love yourself. . My dear friends i want to wish u all a wonderful blessed new year, a year of mutual respect, health, prosperity, mercy and redemption, and lastly a year where all the singles will find their other half. Amen!
I want to dedicate a very special song that i released a few years ago called, "Shima Tefilati" (“listen to my prayer”). A song that is very suitable for what we are going through. Be’ezrat Hashem, all our prayers will be answered willingly and with mercy, Amen!
Branding & PR:
HOSHEN Media Group LLC
SHLOMI COHEN - +972-52-4339353
VICTORIA ZIRKIEV +1-718-644-5550
MEIRAV FOUKX - +27-83-678-2888
[email protected] // http://www.hoshenpro.com/
All rights reserved – HOSHEN - ZOAB Entertainment
+972525383884 | [email protected]
הופעות ויחסי ציבור: lachyanis, יוסי לחיאני: 054-2455565 | [email protected]
עקבו אחרי איציק אורלב | Follow Itzik orlev:
אינסטגרם: https://instagram.com/itzik_orlev?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
פייסבוק: https://www.facebook.com/ItzikOrlev
הזמר איציק אורלב בברכה לכבוד השנה החדשה עם ביצוע מיוחד לשיר שלו "שמעה תפילתי" עם הקלידן יעקב אזולאי
My dear friends, we are two days before Rosh Hashana, the day of judgment. We are ending year 5780, and it was not an easy year both for us as a whole, and us as an individual.
But we have to remember something very important. There is a creator of this world, and He does everything for the good, and asks of us just one thing. Love your friend as you love yourself. . My dear friends i want to wish u all a wonderful blessed new year, a year of mutual respect, health, prosperity, mercy and redemption, and lastly a year where all the singles will find their other half. Amen!
I want to dedicate a very special song that i released a few years ago called, "Shima Tefilati" (“listen to my prayer”). A song that is very suitable for what we are going through. Be’ezrat Hashem, all our prayers will be answered willingly and with mercy, Amen!
Branding & PR:
HOSHEN Media Group LLC
SHLOMI COHEN - +972-52-4339353
VICTORIA ZIRKIEV +1-718-644-5550
MEIRAV FOUKX - +27-83-678-2888
[email protected] // http://www.hoshenpro.com/
All rights reserved – HOSHEN - ZOAB Entertainment
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