אוהד מושקוביץ – סטופ Ohad – Stop

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Shared on June 26, 2011
מילים: מצאל בן - ישראל לחן: יוסי גרין עיבוד וקולות: רון תיכון.
הצטרפו לעמוד הרשמי של אוהד בפייסבוק.
להזמנות :03-6165628
האתר הרשמי של אוהד
Stop don't think about it
Be thankful every day
I once heard the wise man say just
Stop! Don't think about it
Cause tomorrow is a brand New day
Verse 1:
The world is not exactly how
I'd Like for it to be
but i have a certain feeling
Hashem is watching me
I won't Let fears and worries
steat the joy out of my day
Just Think positive And
Problems melt away
Verse 2:
I sometimes stop and Listen to
the children when they play
And enjoy the sound of Laughter
And the funny things they say
At times I worry much to much
That all will be Alright
Then I heard these
word of wisdom
Late one night
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