8th Day – NEVER AFRAID (Audio)

8th Day – NEVER AFRAID (Audio)

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Shared on January 13, 2015
'Never Afraid' by 8th Day.
'Tzitzis' - Hebrew for white fringes connected to a four cornered garment traditionally worn by Jewish men and boys.
'Nyeh bayus ya' - Russian, meaning 'I am not afraid'.

Rusted bars faceless guards
And the red prison wall
Make a grown man fall
But he's standing tall
Been here before chains on the door
But he's standing tall no fear at all
Cuz he's a G-d fearing double daring
Tzitzis wearing kind and caring
''Nyeh bayus ya'' man
Nyeh bayus ya never be afraid
Nyeh bayus ya never change your way
Nyeh bayus ya never scared away
Earth is trembling but you're never gonna sway
Nyeh bayus ya never be afraid
Nyeh bayus ya never change your way
Nyeh bayus ya never scared away
Nyet nyet nikavo krumnivo ad navo
Nyet nyet nyet nyet nyet!
Never be afraid
Revolver scars shouts from afar
And the steel boots down the hall
Try to make his men fall
But he can't be controlled
He's standing tall
No fear at all
Cuz he's a G-d fearing double daring
Tzitzis wearing kind and caring
''Nyeh bayus ya'' man
Nyeh bayus ya never be afraid
Nyeh bayus ya never change your way
Nyeh bayus ya never scared away
Earth is trembling but you're never gonna sway
Nyeh bayus ya never be afraid
Nyeh bayus ya never change your way
Nyeh bayus ya never scared away
Nyet nyet nikavo krumnivo ad navo
Nyet nyet nyet nyet nyet!
Never be afraid
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