8th Day with Kids Of Courage. 'Cheery Bim' Official Music Video

8th Day with Kids Of Courage. 'Cheery Bim' Official Music Video

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Shared on November 19, 2012
Kids Of Courage and 8th Day have teamed up to bring you this amazing music video filmed in Los Angeles, CA during the KOC summer program 2012.
Conquering illness through adventure - KIDSOC.ORG
8th Day official website - MY8THDAY.COM
Directed by Erik Voake
Cheery Bim is on 8th Day's latest album 'All You Got' released in June 2012.
Composed by Shmuel Marcus
Produced and arranged by Bentzi Marcus
I'll stay with you through the joy and the sorrow
I'll be with you today and tomorrow
I'll cry with you when you lose and you borrow
I'll dance with you when you win and say bravo
'Cuz one's just one, but together we're number one
I say cheery you say bum, we say cheery beery bim bum bum
I'll cry with you through the saddest rubato
I'll dance with you to the rhythm staccato
I'll be with you through the joy and the sorrow
I'll stay with you today and tomorrow
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