Acapella! Ad Emtzoh – Shea Berko and Yedidim | ווקאלי! עד אמצא מקום – יהושע בערקא וידידים

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Shared on May 21, 2016
Yedidim Choir is proud to present to you "Acapella" with a twist!
Covering this awesome tune "Ad Emtzoh Mokoim" composed by the world famous Yossi Green, and originally performed by the amazing DEDI on his album Ve'Ohavto, Yedidim and Shea take the original Mona arrangement and turn it into a fabulous ACAPELLA piece, carefully executing every necessary note and harmony.
To add some spice, the song was rewritten for live Drums and Percussion to craft this into a masterpiece.
Drums: Gal Gershovsky (A-Team Orchestra)
Percussion: Richie Rodriguez
Live Sound: BYH Sound
Post Audio Production: Tzvi Blumenfeld @ Blue Rhythm
Video: Neumann Media
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