Ad Hieno – Dudi Kalish, Yedidim Choir – עד הנה – דודי קאליש – ידידים

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Shared on July 13, 2024
Yedidim Choir Presents,
A magnificent composition composed by R’ Chaim Itzkowitz at his daughter wedding, R’ Chaim expressed his emotions and feelings to hashem in this song to thank hashem for all the good hashem does, R’ Chaim collaborated with Dudi Kalish to write a musical arrangement on the song and performed at the wedding in the Eminence Ballroom
Music arranged & sung by: Dudi Kalish
Yedidim Choir: Arranged by Yoel Hersh Fuchs
Song Composed by: R’ Chaim Itzkowitz
Filmed by: Motty Engel - Engel Studios
Edited at: Engel Studios
Production By: Yanky Orlansky
The Yedidim Choir 347-871-8753
Twiter/instagram: @YedidimChoir
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