Ari Goldwag at Your Simcha – (Ribono) – Waldorf Hotel, Jerusalem ריבונו שמחה ליינר
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Shared on November 20, 2018
for bookings contact: bookings@arigoldwag.com or whatsapp +972-58-442-1978
Keyboard: Yisroel Sosnah
Guitar: Menachem Herman
Saxophone: Dor Asraf
קלידים: ישראל סוסנה
גיטרה: מנחם הרמן
סקספון: דור אסרף
Filmed by Aviv Vana
Audio and video editing: Ari Goldwag
Filmed live at the Elbaz Bar Mitzvah in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel November 15th, 2018.
Ribono - composed by Mordechai Brezel, originally performed by Simcha Leiner.
This video is the film of a live performance by Ari Goldwag of the song Ribono, which is a prayer asking Hashem for guidance in life, to go on the straight path, to show us the ways of the Torah.
Keyboard: Yisroel Sosnah
Guitar: Menachem Herman
Saxophone: Dor Asraf
קלידים: ישראל סוסנה
גיטרה: מנחם הרמן
סקספון: דור אסרף
Filmed by Aviv Vana
Audio and video editing: Ari Goldwag
Filmed live at the Elbaz Bar Mitzvah in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel November 15th, 2018.
Ribono - composed by Mordechai Brezel, originally performed by Simcha Leiner.
This video is the film of a live performance by Ari Goldwag of the song Ribono, which is a prayer asking Hashem for guidance in life, to go on the straight path, to show us the ways of the Torah.
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