ARI GOLDWAG – TODAY'S THE DAY [Music Video] ארי גולדוואג – זה היום – קליפ רשמי

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Shared on July 23, 2018
Ari Goldwag - Today’s the Day - זה היום
For bookings contact [email protected]
Get the song/album on iTunes:
Get the album on Mostly Music:
This song is dedicated by Willy and Gloria Katz in memory of Chananya Katz A”H
Song credits:
Composition and lyrics by Ari Goldwag
Hebrew lyric translation: Ari Goldwag with Miriam Israeli
Music by: Playmasters Studio
יחסי ציבור: תומר כהן מיתוג תקשורתי ויחסי ציבור | 0504652595.
Video credits:
Directed by Dovid Lavon
Writer #1: Rachael Lavon
Writer #2: Dovid Lavon
Video production: Lavonafilm Productions
Producer: Ms. Ann Lavon
Technical Support: R’ Levy Ustinov
Technical Guidance: Eli Staiman (L.E. Productions)
Camera Gear Help: Ms. Leah Rosenberg
Aishes Chail: Rachael Lavon
Crew Member #1: Uncle Donny
Crew Member #2: Rafi Weiss
Crew Member #3: Yehuda Rosenstock
Crew Member #4: Aryeh Birnbaum
Crew Member #5: Mitch Azose
Crew Member #6: Yakov Gottesman
Crew Member #7: Bentzi Azose
Mirpeset and house provided by: The Rotman family
Pool provided by: The Yellin family
Pool boy: Nechemya Rubin
Balls provided by: The Weiss family
Balloons by: Jerusalem Balloons (
Special thanks…
To Hashem for continually giving us siyata d’shmaya in all aspects of our lives and specifically with this video.
To Bubby Lavon for supporting this and all of our endeavors with love and generosity!
To all those who helped with this video whether behind the scenes or in them! Your patience and willingness to help made this production possible.
Also, thanks to everyone in the street or elsewhere that kindly moved out of our filming way when asked.
Questions, etc: [email protected]
Today’s gonna be a good day
No matter what comes down my way
‘Cuz I’ve got something burning inside
And I’ve already made up my mind
Today’s the day, I’m a-OK
Sunshine clears the clouds away
Today’s the day, I’m gonna say
You keep tomorrow, I’ll take today
Today’s the day, I’m a-OK
Sunshine clears the clouds away
Today’s the day, I’m gonna pray
To keep on singing as the music plays
היום יהיה יום טוב
עם כל מה שיבוא
כי אש בוערת בקרבי
והשמחה בתוך ליבי
זה היום, זה המקום
שמיים נפתחו פתאום
זה היום, עמוק לנשום
עזוב מחר, כבר יש היום
זה היום, זה המקום
שמיים נפתחו פתאום
זה היום, אני אזרום
בואו ונשיר את הפזמון
With a smile I start my day
Can’t leave it ’til I’m on my way
All I’ve got is just today
This one day I won’t give away
With a smile I’m halfway there
Say what they say but I don’t care
Can’t get caught up in despair
All I need is just a prayer
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