Ari Lesser – 19 Kislev – Alter Rebbe
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Shared on December 6, 2017
Music and Lyrics by Ari Lesser
The Alter Rebbe was a man of G-d
First of the seven leaders of Chabad
A Chasidic master from Russia who brought
Some logical reason to mystical thought
Directing the heart through the intellect
Architect of the Tanya he gained respect
But even in the Jewish communities
The Rebbe still had many enemies
Misnagdim were those Jews who opposed
The Chasidic Movement as it arose
They had a tradition of opposition
To newcomers who they viewed with suspicion
The Litvish would focus their concentration
On strict stoic Talmudic education
All spare time was spent on Gemara
Nothing came before the learning of Torah
To them the Chasidim were just nut cases
Joyously praying in unsanctioned places
Learning mystic Kabbalistic thinking
And farbrengen with singing, dancing, and drinking
When the Chasidim began gaining traction
Misnagdim decided to jump into action
They issued decrees that no one should learn
Chasidic books, which were publically burned
Stooping so low they even tried
To get the Russian Government on their side
By sending informants to make up lies
Claiming Chasdim were traitors and spies
It was just this kind of false accusation
That led to the Rebbe’s incarceration
In the year of seventeen ninety eight
He became a prisoner of the Russian state
For it was well-known that the Rebbe sent
Tzedakah to poor Jewish Settlements
In the holy land, and through this mitzvah
Misnagdim accused him of breaking the law
See, prior to World War I, the entire
Land of Israel, was in the Empire
Of the Ottoman Turks, who had been at war
With Russia for a century or more
And the informants claimed the money he sent
Went straight to the enemy’s government
Which was totally false, yet for this reason
The Rebbe was arrested, and charged with treason
Facing a serious allegation
For weeks he was under interrogation
As officials searched for some verification
That he was in fact a threat to their nation
But the Rebbe thought that this situation
Which led to his earthly incarceration
Was merely a physical manifestation
Of higher spiritual condemnation
He believed his soul, faced litigation
In the heavenly court for his participation
In the revelation and dissemination
Of Torah secrets to the whole population
But he felt his work had justification
Took fifty-three days to get confirmation
On yud tes Kislev with his liberation
From prison and complete exoneration
His name was cleared and he was released
The Rebbe returned to his home in peace
And declared the day that he went free
Should be marked every year by festivity
A Chasidic new year, a Rosh Hashanah
A time to start from the top of the Tanya
A day for singing a soulful niggun
With some Chasidim at a farbrengen
The Alter Rebbe was a man of G-d
First of the seven leaders of Chabad
A Chasidic master from Russia who brought
Some logical reason to mystical thought
Directing the heart through the intellect
Architect of the Tanya he gained respect
But even in the Jewish communities
The Rebbe still had many enemies
Misnagdim were those Jews who opposed
The Chasidic Movement as it arose
They had a tradition of opposition
To newcomers who they viewed with suspicion
The Litvish would focus their concentration
On strict stoic Talmudic education
All spare time was spent on Gemara
Nothing came before the learning of Torah
To them the Chasidim were just nut cases
Joyously praying in unsanctioned places
Learning mystic Kabbalistic thinking
And farbrengen with singing, dancing, and drinking
When the Chasidim began gaining traction
Misnagdim decided to jump into action
They issued decrees that no one should learn
Chasidic books, which were publically burned
Stooping so low they even tried
To get the Russian Government on their side
By sending informants to make up lies
Claiming Chasdim were traitors and spies
It was just this kind of false accusation
That led to the Rebbe’s incarceration
In the year of seventeen ninety eight
He became a prisoner of the Russian state
For it was well-known that the Rebbe sent
Tzedakah to poor Jewish Settlements
In the holy land, and through this mitzvah
Misnagdim accused him of breaking the law
See, prior to World War I, the entire
Land of Israel, was in the Empire
Of the Ottoman Turks, who had been at war
With Russia for a century or more
And the informants claimed the money he sent
Went straight to the enemy’s government
Which was totally false, yet for this reason
The Rebbe was arrested, and charged with treason
Facing a serious allegation
For weeks he was under interrogation
As officials searched for some verification
That he was in fact a threat to their nation
But the Rebbe thought that this situation
Which led to his earthly incarceration
Was merely a physical manifestation
Of higher spiritual condemnation
He believed his soul, faced litigation
In the heavenly court for his participation
In the revelation and dissemination
Of Torah secrets to the whole population
But he felt his work had justification
Took fifty-three days to get confirmation
On yud tes Kislev with his liberation
From prison and complete exoneration
His name was cleared and he was released
The Rebbe returned to his home in peace
And declared the day that he went free
Should be marked every year by festivity
A Chasidic new year, a Rosh Hashanah
A time to start from the top of the Tanya
A day for singing a soulful niggun
With some Chasidim at a farbrengen
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