Ari Lesser – Avinu Malkeinu

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Shared on October 2, 2019
Lyrics by Ari Lesser
Avinu Malkeinu, please make
This new year great, for Your Name’s sake
Remove from us any harsh decrees
And stop the plots of our enemies
Thwart the schemes of all our foes
Wipe out those who oppress us, close
The mouth of every adversary
Anyone who accuses us wrongly
Spare us from plagues, disease, starvation
War, destruction, and incarceration
Pardon, forgive us for all our sins
Blot out and remove our transgressions
On account of Your abundant mercy
Erase our guilt, may we be debt free
Tear up the evil verdict You decreed
And remember us only fondly
Avinu Malkeinu, Avinu Malkeinu
Aviunu Malkeinu, chaneinu va’aneinu ki ein banu ma’asim
Asei imanu, tz’dakah vachesed
Asei imanu, tz’dakah vachesed, v’hoshi’einu
Inscribe us in the book of good living
The book of redemption and being forgiven
The book of parnasa and livelihood
In the book of those who deserve some good
Raise up the glory of Yisrael
Raise up Your anointed one as well
Fill our hands with Your blessings, please
Abundantly stock up our pantries
Don’t send us away from You empty
Hear our voice with pity and mercy
Accept our cry with compassion and grace
And let our prayer through the heavenly gates
May we do t’shuva and do You will
May You fully heal all those who are ill
Allow salvation to flourish for us
And remember that we’re just made of dust
Avinu Malkeinu, Avinu Malkeinu
Aviunu Malkeinu, chaneinu va’aneinu ki ein banu ma’asim
Asei imanu, tz’dakah vachesed
Asei imanu, tz’dakah vachesed, v’hoshi’einu
May this moment be a moment of true
Compassion and favor before You
Right now we need Your mercy, please
For us, our children and babies
Act for the sake of those who were slaughtered
Forced to pass through fire and water
Act on account of those who were slain
Defending Your Oneness and Your Holy Name
If not for us, for Your own sake, please
Save us because of Your great mercies
For on Your people has been proclaimed
Your great, powerful, and awesome Name
Be gracious, and answer us in need
Even though we have no worthy deed
Our Father and King, give us a donation
Do us a kindness and show us salvation
Avinu Malkeinu, Avinu Malkeinu
Aviunu Malkeinu, chaneinu va’aneinu ki ein banu ma’asim
Asei imanu, tz’dakah vachesed
Asei imanu, tz’dakah vachesed, v’hoshi’einu
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