Ari Lesser – Clean Speech

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Shared on November 13, 2019
I wrote this rap for Clean Speech Colorado
There’s a pollution that’s so imperceptible
Barely detectible, seen as acceptable
It’s infiltrated our homes, and our schools
Our offices, neighborhoods, even our shuls
No one’s protected it strikes unexpectedly
Affecting us separately and collectively
Seen it before and yet we still forget
Letting down our guard to this dangerous threat
It’s not in the water, its not in the air
It’s not underground, yet it’s found everywhere
And throughout the week, there’s a risk of a leak
Each time that we open our mouth up to speak
The toxin I’m touching on is Lashon Hara
That evil speech, reaching, whereever we are a
Person should be concerned with contamination
Creeping and seepin into each conversation
But we can fight back if we all make a pact
To practice this mitzvah and clean up our act
With our powers combined, let’s try to refine
Our minds and words, one line at a time
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