Ari Lesser – Equal Writes!

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Shared on May 19, 2014
My sister Renae is managing an "Equal Writes" Kickstarter campaign to raise money for women writers at Here is the link to contribute:
Equal Writes Lyrics
By Ari Lesser:
Women make up more of the population
Yet for some reason at most publications
They face a world of male domination
It's eighty percent in some locations
Discrimination from coast to coast
At the New York Times and The Washington Post
Men get hired and paid the most
Female journalists can't even come close
For the few who make the cut it's still tough
Cause the editors force the women to write fluff
While men get to work on the serious stuff
So let's take a stand cause enough is enough
Women know how to write and their just as bright
But more men get printed up in the black and white
It's like day and night, so I'm a join the fight
Until female writer's have equal writes
Female authors tend to get screwed
Cause it's mostly the dudes who get reviewed
And the ones who review the books are men too
So the whole review system is just skewed
That's just how it is but I don't know why
Since a woman is much more likely to buy
A book than a man, yet somehow the guys
Get seventy five percent of the pie
In the magazine biz, men run the show
Bylines by women, only one out four
Same as it was a hundred years ago
So I think things are changing way to slow
Women know how to write and their just as bright
But more men get printed up in the black and white
It's like day and night, so I'm a join the fight
Until female writer's have equal writes
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