Ari Lesser – Purim Poetry Slam

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Shared on February 18, 2013
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Ari Lesser
This song goes out to Ahmadinejad
The Jews don't fear you, we fear God
We don't give damn, about your evil plans
Cause no man can stand up against God's hand
Not first to curse us, won't be the last
And if I were you a would learn from the past
Many came before you to do us wrong
But they're all long gone and we still stand strong
In ancient Iran lived I man named Haman
Who rose in the capital of Shushan
When he walked down the street every man he would meet
Was commanded to bow to the ground at his feet
But there was one guy, named Mordechai
A Jew who served only God Most High
Day after day, he refused to obey
So Haman decided to make him pay
But it wasn't enough just to kill one man
Instead he devised a grand master plan
And persuaded the king to kill every Jew
From the land Cush all the way Hodu
Drew random lots to determine the date
Put our people's lives in the hands of fate
And it fell on the thirteenth day of Adar
They would slay every Jew both near and far
When we heard the news we wept and fasted
Sackcloth and ashes spread through the masses
We humbled our hearts all of Yisrael
Prayed that the wicked Haman would fail
This song goes out to Ahmadinejad
The Jews don't fear you, we fear God
We don't give damn, about your evil plans
Cause no man can stand up against God's hand
Not first to curse us, won't be the last
And if I were you a would learn from the past
Many came before you to do us wrong
But they're all long gone and we still stand strong
Haman just could not wait for the date
That the Jewish people would meet their fate
Cause every day he saw Mordechai at the gate
And his heart was filled with so much hate
When he complained to his friends and his wife
They told Haman, "Just take that Jew's life"
So he built a gallows fifty amos high
And tried to have the king, hang Mordechai
But the queen secretly turned out to be
A girl from a nice Jewish family
So she came in to the king, told him
That someone was trying to wipe out her kin
Enraged anyone would threaten the life
Of those close to the queen he chose as a wife
The king asked her, "Who's behind this plan?"
She said, "This wicked Haman is the man!"
He trembled in terror he lost control
He begged queen Esther to spare his soul
But the king decided Haman must die
On the gallows that he had made for Mordechai
This song goes out to Ahmadinejad
The Jews don't fear you, we fear God
We don't give damn, about your evil plans
Cause no man can stand up against God's hand
Not first to curse us, won't be the last
And if I were you a would learn from the past
Many came before you to do us wrong
But they're all long gone and we still stand strong
President of Iran your just like Haman
But instead of the gallows you're building a bomb
You want to see Mordechai's family dead
But your wickedness'll drop down on your own head
Open your ears, we won't disappear
Been here three thousand eight hundred years
We were slaves to Pharaoh, but God set us free
And tossed the Egyptians in the Red Sea
The wicked Balak and Bilaam tried messing
With us, but their curse turn into a blessing
Canaanites tried to fight us but all
Of them had to fall like Jericho's walls
Goliath the Philistine talked a lot
Before he got knocked him out with a slingshot
Assyrians conquered every other land
But they ran when they came up against God's hand
Babylon took us into captivity
But we're back, they been gone since BCE
And Haman, who decreed every Jew should die
Got hanged on the gallows he made for Mordechai
Our enemies fade but we still exist
Do you really want to add your name to the list?
You've warned if you don't proceed with caution
We'll name a food after you like Hamantaschen
This song goes out to Ahmadinejad
The Jews don't fear you, we fear God
We don't give damn, about your evil plans
Cause no man can stand up against God's hand
Not first to curse us, won't be the last
And if I were you a would learn from the past
Many came before you to do us wrong
But they're all long gone and we still stand strong
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