Benny Friedman – Behind the Scenes of The Yesh Tikvah Tour

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Shared on May 30, 2013
This past Pesach, Benny Friedman began the first part of a major world tour. A film crew followed Benny through 8 amazing shows in various locations.
Produced by Sruly Meyer
Directed and Edited by Moshe Bree - Ingenious Productions
Filmed by Rod Weber & Moshe Bree
South Florida Concert footage courtesy of CJ Studios
Song produced by Avi Newmark
Song composed by Ari Goldwag
Lyrics by Miriam Israeli & Ari Goldwag
Arrangement by Ian Freitor
Special thanks to Yerachmiel Begun, Eli Gerstner, Suki & Ding, Gateways, Shmuel Modes, and everyone who helped make this video possible including all the people who came to the shows and made them the successes that they were.
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