BERI and The LPR Project | Kacha – Vatosif – Layehudim (Live)

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Shared on February 22, 2018
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"When Beri and The LPR Project get together something amazing will happen"
Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar...
Beri and The LPR Project got together lit some candles, drank some wine, and made a Farbreng for hours...
Beri composed three original songs during the jamming... the film was rolling... We edited it and made it into a 10 min clip!
Enjoy this prepurim trip!
Available for download!
๐ŸทThank you Heshy Jay for the beautiful venue! Location: โ€œSpace โ€œ The Brooklyn Loft #scooplifestyle
๐ŸทThank you JJ Greenwald for designing the set up!
๐ŸทDavid Jacobwitz provided the lighting
๐ŸทLipa Meisels engineered the Live sound
๐ŸทEli Lax did the audio edit
๐ŸทGershy Schwarcz did the vocal edit
๐ŸทAryeh Kunstler did the mix
๐ŸทBen Hesh and Munch Media Shot the video and Munch edited it! His number is 9293262319 if you wanna hire him.
๐ŸทShia Fried (JJ's son) stopped by, although Hanz Zimmer wasn't there.
๐ŸทChumi Glick created the beautiful graphic.
๐ŸทAvrum Mordchai Schwartz wrote the Gramen
๐ŸทBERI is Beri Weber
๐ŸทThe LPR Project is Eli Lax, Avromi Basch, Moishy Shwartz, and whoever is able to trip along.
๐ŸทEli Lax produced this video, along with the rest of the stuff Beri does.
๐ŸทThanks all who put everything aside and are able to check-in to good music from time to time.
๐ŸทHappy Purim!
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