Blue Melody "Kol Torah" ft. Benny Friedman

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Shared on June 8, 2016
In honor of the upcoming Yom Tov of Shavuos, please enjoy this incredible performance of "Kol Torah" performed by Blue Melody and Benny Friedman.
Vocals: Benny Friedman
Performance: Blue Melody Group
Originally Performed By: Eli Marcus
Transcribed by: Eli Lax
Composed by Yossi Green and published by Oh Yea! Music.
For Inquiries: 732.908.BLUE
Production: Eli Lax & Chaim Rosenblatt
Mix & Master: Roar Recording (Aryeh Kunstler)
Video & Edit: Motty Engel
Additional Editing: Moshe Krauss
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