Boruch Sholom – Ki Alecha Ainainou (Single) ברוך שלום – כי עליך עינינו

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Shared on August 1, 2017
Friends, I present this song with humility and gratitude to Hashem.
This song Ki Alechah Ainainou captures the warmth of a not so distant past.
We go through life distracted by what's right in front of us; the instant and the immediate that are there in abundance, glaring blatantly at us. We desensitize, lose touch of and don’t feel the incredible power and energy in the warmth, that surrounds us.
The composition came out of the desire to capture that ephemeral warmth. During this song’s journey, I shared the song with the rebbe of Chassidic-Pop, the epitome of Yiddisheh Varemkeit, MBD. He connected and injected his profound flavor into the song. This further shined and uplifted this retro warm song that captures that sound.
Performed by: Boruch Sholom- BSB
Compose by: MBD & BSB
Music by: Sholom Lieberman
Guitars: Nachman Dreyer
Mixed by: Ruli Rzrachi
Design by: Mendy Drookman-
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