Cantor Yaakov Stark / Cantor Netanel Hershtik – Kol Dodi | חזן שטארק חזן הרשטיק – קול דודי

Cantor Yaakov Stark / Cantor Netanel Hershtik – Kol Dodi | חזן שטארק חזן הרשטיק – קול דודי

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Shared on October 31, 2021
"Kol Dodi" - קול דודי
Composer: David Nowakowsky - לחן: דוד נובקובסקי
As chanted by: Cantor Moshe Koussevitsky
Cantor Yaakov Stark - חזן יעקב יוסף שטארק
Cantor Netanel Hershtik - חזן נתנאל הרשטיק
Accompanist: Raymond Goldstein
The Hampton Synagogue - Rabbi Marc Schneier Jewish Community Center
25th Annual Thanksgiving Weekend Concert
November 30, 2019
"March of the Living: The Music Lives On"
Honoring Shlomo Grofman
The Hampton Synagogue - Rabbi Marc Schneier Jewish Community Center
25th Annual Thanksgiving Weekend Concert was the highlight of New York's Cantorial Season. - This year, Cantor Netanel Hershtik joined by Cantor Yaakov Stark, accompanied by the Hampton Synagogue Choir, Maestro Izchak Haimov, Conductor, in tribute to the great European Pre-War Cantors - those who perished in the Holocaust, and those who survived.
Under the banner, "The Music Lives On," the concert featurig both familiar pieces as well as several compositions brought back to life and arranged specifically for this evening by the Jerusalem Great Synagogue's Raymond Goldstein, who was at the pian, this was a night of inspiration and gratitude, in the spirit of March of the Living, for the great cantors whose memories we will invoke and their musical legacy, perpetuated by their modern-day counterparts at The Hampton Synagogue.
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