Cantor Yaakov Stark – El Male Rachamim | חזן יעקב יוסף שטארק – אל מלא רחמים

Cantor Yaakov Stark – El Male Rachamim | חזן יעקב יוסף שטארק – אל מלא רחמים

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Shared on November 21, 2021
El Male Rachamim - אל מלא רחמים
Cantor Yaakov Stark - חזן יעקב יוסף שטארק
Park East Synagogue Choir
Conductor: Maestro Russell Ger
Accompanist: Maestro Daniel Gildar
VIN News - Borough Park, NY - A standing-room-only crowd attended an event Sunday night June 2 2013. celebrating the 80th anniversary of the passing of the greatest chazzan of all-time at the very Shul where he was Bal Tefillah for five years.
An unforgettable evening celebrating the music of Chazzan Yossele Rosenblatt was held at the First Congregation Anshei Sfard of Boro Park, featuring five of the world's top Chazzanim.
Performers included Cantor Yaakov Stark, who sang the Memorial Prayer in tribute to Rosenblatt; Cantor Yaakov Motzen, who led Maariv; Cantor Binyomin Muller from Antwerp; and Cantors Yaakov Rosenfeld and Yaakov Lemmer, both of Brooklyn.
A surprise guest appearance by rising star, Cantor Usher Bloomberg, was also a highlight.
Monday marks the 80th anniversary of the passing of Chazzan Yossele Rosenblatt, who tragically died at the age of 51 while on a visit to Eretz Yisrael.
Organizers said the event drew such large crowds that people had to be turned away.
The talent coordinator for the evening, Cantor Benny Rogosnitsky of Park East Synagogue said, "What an immense and moving tribute to the greatest Chazzan who ever lived in the very shul where he davened for close to five years. When the Chazzanim sang, you could hear a pin drop. Yossele would have been proud."
In his remarks Rabbi Yechiel Kaufman, the Rav of the shul, lauded Rosenblatt's piousness and religiosity and spoke movingly of his contribution to the world of Tefillah.
After the event, Rogosnitsky said, "Last night was a testament to the fact that eighty years later, Chazzanus lives on, and looking around at the many young faces in the audience and the young talent in the program, there is great hope and promise for the future."
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