"Chasoif" (MBD) Blue Melody ft. Shmueli Ungar & Yedidim | חשוף" שמילי אונגר ומקהלת ידידים"

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Shared on December 24, 2016
"Chasoif" (MBD) Blue Melody ft. Shmueli Ungar & Yedidim | חשוף" שמילי אונגר ומקהלת ידידים"
Chanukah, a time where we ignite a flame to penetrate the darkness. A flame that not only stands as a remembrance for the pain and sadness for generations but as signal for hope and unity וקרב קץ הישועה speedily in our days.
Originally Performed by MBD
Composed by Eli Laufer
Lyrics by Lipa
Performed by Blue Melody, Shmueli Ungar, and the Yedidim Choir
Recorded Live by Shy Clyman (SC Events)
Mixed and Mastered by Aryeh Kunstler (Roar Recording)
Video by Motty Engel
Additional Post Production by Naftali Schnitzler
Special Thanks to Shulem Ungar
Thank Yehuda Aderet for his constant support and inspiration.
For Inquiries: 732.908.BLUE
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