DISTANCE | Mendy Portnoy (Original Solo Piano Music)

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Shared on March 19, 2020
Like so many others out there, I've been thinking of how I can do something that will somehow help/ease/distract people from the madness that has become our new reality.
Today I opened a folder on my computer and called it "Some Time Alone" - the idea being that I will record short improvised piano pieces that will help people slow down and breathe a little.
I highly recommend you take 3 minutes away from your screens, watching all the scary news stories - do it with your kids - close your eyes and just escape from everything.
Just for a few minutes. Stop. Breathe. Meditate. Pray. Whatever.
Whether it's before bed, when you wake up in the morning or in the middle of all the madness.
I hope this in some way brings just a tiny amount of comfort and calm - and if it does, I'm going to try and do these every day.
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