Dovid Lowy – BaTACHTI (Audio) דוד לעווי- בטחתי

Dovid Lowy – BaTACHTI (Audio) דוד לעווי- בטחתי

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Shared on May 16, 2020
A Hopeful Song:
These are obviously challenging times for everyone but it's important that we find ways to cope with the situation. For me, it was working on this song.
I was sitting on my porch contemplating how the world was just turned upside down- everything had been shut down and life as we knew it came to a halting stop. Yet when I looked up at the blue sky, heard the birds singing, saw the trees blossoming, I realized that it's all about perspective.  There is a lot that has remained the same. This thought gave me strength as I realized that the Creator is taking care of us and we will merit to see a salvation. 
I’m always composing songs but I struggle to compose  lyrics.  For this song the words came to me naturally- because it was truly how I was feeling- and so this hopeful song BaTACHTI, was born.
Composed and Produced By: Dovid Lowy (DL Productions)
Arranged By: Yitzy Berry & Eli Klein
Guitars: Shimon Yichye
Vocals Recorded at DL Studios
Photo Credit: Meltz Photography
I woke up the other day
To a world of uncertainty, so grey,
and I dont know what tomorrows gonna bring
The stories and the endless news,
feelin helpless, yeah I got the blues,
things just seem to get worse day by day
But then I see the blue skies
and I begin to recognize
this wonderful world that you created
the birds that sing to you,
and the trees that praise you too
and so now I sing to you,
ואני בחסדך בטחתי יגל לבי בישעותך
Sometimes I’m feeling left behind
Its hard to see you by my side,
And I dont know will i ever see the light
I keep searching for those open doors,
but it seems to me there aint no more,
they just keep on closing inn on me,
But then I see the blue skies
and I begin to recognize
this wonderful world that you created
the birds that sing to you,
and the trees that praise you too
and so now I sing to you,
ואני בחסדך בטחתי יגל לבי בישעותך
אשירה לה כי גמל עלי
it’s to You I sing,
On You that I rely כי גמל עלי
ואני בחסדך בטחתי יגל לבי בישעותך
**For Bookings**
Email- dovidlowymusic@gmail.com
Israel Number/Whatsapp 053.424.1139
American Number- 732.719.5345
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