DOVID LOWY+ MENACHEM HERMAN-Wedding Dance Live! โ ืืื + ืื ืื
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Shared on January 23, 2022
Dovid + Menachem who together have been on the Simcha scene for years- team up to bring you the best energy and sound for your Simcha!
Dance Medley:
Hamenagen- Eli Herzlich
Cholem- Hanan Ben Ari
Shiru Lo- Breslov(Motti Weiss)
Chamisha Kolos- Dovid Lowy (Eli Klein)
Yagati- Yaakov Shwekey
Band And Sound:
Keyboards and arrangement- Avi Israel
Drums- Yoni Madar
Sax- Rami Strosberg
Sound engineer- Yehonadav Frankel
Sound Company-Natan Coral
Stage Hand Shnur
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ืกืงืกืคืื- ืจืื ืฉืืจืกืืจื
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ืืื ืื ืกืืื ื- ืืืื ืื ืคืจื ืงื
ืขืืืจ ืืื ืฉื ืืืืจ
**For Inquiries**:
Filmed by: Menachem Schloss
Edited by: DL Productions
Dance Medley:
Hamenagen- Eli Herzlich
Cholem- Hanan Ben Ari
Shiru Lo- Breslov(Motti Weiss)
Chamisha Kolos- Dovid Lowy (Eli Klein)
Yagati- Yaakov Shwekey
Band And Sound:
Keyboards and arrangement- Avi Israel
Drums- Yoni Madar
Sax- Rami Strosberg
Sound engineer- Yehonadav Frankel
Sound Company-Natan Coral
Stage Hand Shnur
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**For Inquiries**:
Filmed by: Menachem Schloss
Edited by: DL Productions
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