DOVID PEARLMAN – Chaver Sheli (Official Audio) דוד פרלמן – חבר שלי

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Shared on July 11, 2019
Chaver Sheli (Official Audio)
Single by Dovid Pearlman
Produced by
Doni Gross
Just take my hand... together we'll get through... who is a true friend? Someone who's there for you through good times AND challenging times. Friends who stand the test of time. Thank you Hashem for my amazing friends! For every friend that ever encouraged me, gave me support, or helped me pull through a challenging task, I dedicate this song TO YOU. Share this fun filled summery song with YOUR FRIENDS!
From your friend,
Chaver Sheli
Produced by Doni Gross
Composed by: Dovid Pearlman
Hebrew Lyrics: Zvika Bornstein
English Lyrics by: Dovid Pearlman
Musical Production: Doni Gross
Mix and Mastered by DEG Studios
Vocals and Backup Vocals recorded at DEG Studios & Morasha Studios by Doni Gross and Kalev Kopol
A special thank you to EVERY SINGLE DONOR on my GOFUNDME who helped fund this project, as well as Jeremy Joszef, who's constant support is so very appreciated, and without whom this project would not be possible. Thank you!
תקשיב חבר שלי
אני האח שלך
אנו ביחד
ביחד משפחה
אנחנו לב אחד
‏אף פעם לא לבד
אחד ועוד אחד
מחזיק ‏את היד
Just take my hand
Together we’ll get through
Cuz I know that you’re there for me
And I am here for you
‏ ‏ ‏ואהבת ‏לרעך כמוך
‏זה כלל‏ ‏גדול בתורה
‏ ‏ואהבת ‏לרעך כמוך
‏זה כלל גדול בתורה
We may not be the same
We may have different tastes
Footballs more your thing
I’ll stick to singing
But through the ups and downs
Our friendship is renowned
We act as we know
‏בין אדם לחברו
Take my hand
Together we’ll get through
Cuz I know that you’re there for me
And I’m always there for you
‏ ‏ ‏ואהבת ‏לרעך כמוך
‏זה כלל‏ ‏גדול בתורה
‏ ‏ואהבת ‏לרעך כמוך
‏זה כלל גדול בתורה
Oh ‏חבר שלי
All the times we share we’ll grow as a family
Oh ‏חבר שלי
No matter where you go
You’ll always be a part of me
‏ ‏ ‏ואהבת ‏לרעך כמוך
‏זה כלל‏ ‏גדול בתורה
‏ ‏ואהבת ‏לרעך כמוך
‏זה כלל גדול בתורה
‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ואהבת ‏לרעך כמוך
‏זה כלל‏ ‏גדול בתורה
‏ ‏ואהבת ‏לרעך כמוך
‏זה כלל גדול בתורה
‏חבר שלי
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