Eitan Katz – Forever Grateful / איתן כ״ץ – כי לעולם חסדו

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Shared on September 19, 2016
NEW ALBUM 2020 | Live in Jerusalem 2 | http://www.eitankatz.com/lij2
A few months ago I had the z’chus of leading the davening throughout shabbos at Congregation Ohab Tzedek in Manhattan. After mussaf, an elderly man (although with a youthful bounce to his step) by the name of Rene Slotkin approached me, gave me a yasher koach and wished me a gut shabbos...
After speaking about how he was a survivor of Auschwitz, he then told me the incredible story of how the actual numbers on his arm served as testimony that Hashem was with him throughout his time in the death camp.
Be Inspired...click on the above link to watch Mr. Slotkin tell his story, along with a nigun I humbly composed inspired by this tale of true faith in Hashem.
Story by Mr. Rene Slotkin
Nigun composed by Eitan Katz
Piano- Rambam Agababayev
Drums: Eran Asias
Violin: Jeremy Brown
Cello: Brian Sanders
Bass- Yoshie Fruchter
Music Recorded & Mixed by Baba Z. @ Graffwerks Studios.
Addionatol recording by Aryeh Kuntsler @ Roar Recording
Video by Uri Westrich
Additional editing by Josh Weinberg
Hebrew Subtitles by Sarah Mageni
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