Emunah, Bitachon, Geulah Featuring Benny Friedman

Emunah, Bitachon, Geulah Featuring Benny Friedman

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Shared on September 21, 2022
R' Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin's miraculous release from prison was an end to an injustice and the beginning of a new era of Emunah and Bitachon. Since then, he has dedicated his life to sharing the clarity we all so admired and teaching all who want to learn how to apply Emunah and Bitachon in our lives practically. The need is so great that he is raising funds so he can host more people at his Shiurim, Shabbatons, and seminars.
This song was composed not only to help with this worthy campaign, but to celebrate his miracle, acknowledge his dedication, and help spread the message of Aleph Beis Gimmel - Emunah and Bitachon will bring us each the Geulah we need.
Make the time to grow in your own Emunah and Bitachon and help R' Sholom Mordechai the means to help others at https://alephbeisgimmel.com/Campaign/
Aleph, Beis, Gimmel!
Performed by: Benny Friedman
Produced by: Doni Gross & Yitzy Waldner
Composed by: Yitzy Waldner
Lyrics by: Getzel Rubashkin
Musical Production: Doni Gross
Recorded at: DeG Studios, NYC
Video by: Getzel Rubashkin
Benny PR: I & Me Media
Storms have battered all our lives
Hurricane winds blow
Who knows if more may yet arrive
as dark clouds seem to grow
The past has had its sorrow,
the future is unclear
We might look to tomorrow,
with hearts so filled with fear
But we know
And we’ll show
That we see through the illusion

The Torah guides us,
It supplies us
With all the right conclusions
Hashem is the Creator
Of all that was and what will be
In Him we trust,
To lift us up
faith and trust’s the key
I believe,
I believe,
that all You’ve done is right for me
I trust in You,
Kudsha Brich hu,
For future good that I can see
And if our life seems hard or lonely
And everything seems dark
We know it’s for a moment only
So we can light a spark
Our struggles are not there to break us
We have all the strength we need
Hashem gave us tasks that make us
And the power to succeed.
When we know
When we grow
When our soul awakens
We have Emunah
And Bitachon
We serve Hashem unshaken
Hashem is the Creator
Of all that was and what will be
In Him we trust,
To lift us up
faith and trust’s the key
I believe,
I believe,
that all You’ve done is right for me
I trust in You,
Kudsha Brich hu,
For future good that I can see
Bitachon and Emunah
Our salvation they will bring
From the source of all Geulah
Hashem, our Father, our King
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Twitter - https://twitter.com/bennysmusic
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCefarW8iWzuNO7NedV-om-w
For bookings and inquiries:
info@bennysmusic.com | Text: (352) 770-1439
להזמנות אירועים בארץ ישראל:
יונתן יחיאל - 0525000210 | yonatan@bennysmusic.com
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