Every Yid’s a Big Tzadik | Mendy Worch | TYH Nation

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Shared on November 11, 2021
TYH Nation Presents
Every Yid's a Big Tzadik
Inspired By Rabbi Jungreis From The Niklesburg - Woodburne Shul
De Rebbe, Rabbi Jungreis is a champion of hope and positivity for a generation that feels it can never live up to the standards of greatness of our past Tzadikim. De Rebbe constantly reminds us that just like Noach was a big tzadik during a very tough chapter of history, so too every yid today is a BIG Tzadik and can achieve walking in the ways of Hashem and being a Light unto the world.
As De Rebbe says
“From his Keppelle till his Feeselle“.
Every Yid is a BIG Tzadik!
Farbrengable Studios / Mendy Portnoy
Verse melody and lyric concept & Veamech - De Rebbe Rabbi Jungreis
Chorus melody and Lyric concept - Mendy Worch & The Blumstein Brothers
Music produced and arranged by Mendy Portnoy
Vocals recorded by Jason Goldglancz
Bass - Danny Shnaiderman
Guitars: Noam (Hargol) Burg
Mixed & Mastered by Ronen Hillel
Lyric Video - MATISHRIKI Studio
Design - Yakov Josephy
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