Freilach Band Chuppah Series – Yiboneh & Im Eshkochaich – Benny Friedman, Moishe Mendlowitz & Shira

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Shared on May 27, 2018
Next up in the Freilach Band Chuppah series, where we bring you high-quality videos from some of the magnificent Chuppahs at which Freilach Band performs, is another spectacular Chuppah performed live in Lake Terrace, Lakewood, N.J.

At the most emotional moment of his own daughter’s wedding, watch the renowned Moishe Mendlowitz sing the ‘Im Eshkochaich’ medley along with Benny Friedman.
Yiboneh was composed by R’ Dovid Werdyger and sung by MBD on his album ‘Kisufin.’ Im Eshkochaich was composed by Yehuda Green. Both were completely rearranged for this Chuppa by our very own Tzvi Blumenfeld.
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Video Credits:
Sung by: Benny Friedman & Moishe Mendlowitz
Music by: Freilach Band/Avrumi Schreiber
Conducted by: Tzvi Blumenfeld
Vocals by: Shira Choir
Vocals Arranged by: Eli Sprei
Mixed by: V-Gold Beat Production
Live Sound by: Shai Clyman
Live Production by: JME Live
Stage Team: Moti Friedman
Live Production by: David Elephant, JME Live
Video by: Motty Engel
Public Relations: Sruly Meyer
Press: Pinny Blumenfeld/The Hashtag Group
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